- 网络克劳德·申农

This was Claude Shannon , since 1941 working for Bell Laboratories .
Claude Shannon , a telecommunications engineer at Bell Telephone Laboratories , synthesized the early work in information theory .
The conference brought Alan into contact with Claude Shannon and Andrew Gleason again .
Tolstoy was a figure that he brought to one person 's mind , and Claude Shannon had perceived him as like Nietzsche , ' beyond Good and Evil ' .
People had thought equally long about communication , but here again it needed a modern mind , in this case Claude Shannon 's , to provide a precise definition of the concepts involved .
If this were so , if a machine could simulate a brain in the way he had discussed with Claude Shannon , then it would have to enjoy the faculty of brains , that of learning new tricks .
Thorp and his co-conspirator , professor Claude Shannon , who had worked on cryptography and code-breaking during World War II , created what is widely regarded as the first wearable computer 。
The first wearable computer glasses were made by Edward Thorp and Claude Shannon in 1961 . In 1968 , Ivan Sutherland made the " Sword of Damocles . " It was the first head-mounted computer display and an early variant of all wearable computer glasses we have today .